


事情发生的经过: ​Jones Street remains fairly quiet as the state legislature looks to the start of business proper on Jan. 30, though individual leaders at all levels of government continued to eye federal developments, notably the partial government shutdown and what it means for states and localities.
单词释义: According to the National League of Cities, it's having "real consequences," with 首席执行官克拉伦斯·E. 安东尼观察 that it "becomes harder to rebuild our infrastructure, assist low-income households and invest in community development" as the shutdown continues. NLC创建了一个 在线资源中心 for city leaders with regard to the shutdown. 
利用: In other news, registrations are coming in fast for the League's 2019年城 & 国宴 ——一个不容错过的2月11日活动. 20. The dinner wil bring state legislators and municipal officials together to build relationships and discuss how they can work together this biennium. 注册详情见本公告.
瘦子: It's a hodge-podge, but t在这里's a clear common theme of a need to work together as 2019 unfolds. Read on for more news of interest to cities and towns. 

Now available is the League's most recent Quarterly Revenue Report, available in 新的互动格式 还有一个 PDF. 两者都在365足彩下载的网站上, 在这里. The latest report examines state-collected local revenues received by local governments for the first quarter of the 2018-2019 fiscal year. These reports provide a snapshot of quarterly trends in state-collected local revenues and supplement the League’s Annual Revenue Projection, 三月来临. If you have any questions regarding the Revenue Reports or Revenue Projections, please contact League Research Strategist Caitlin Saunders.

Registration is underway and filling quickly for the 2019年城 & 2月国宴. 20岁,在罗利. 不要拖延—— 今天预订座位! 在这个特别的场合, municipal officials will join their state legislators for dinner and conversation meant to strengthen existing relationships and build new connections among newly elected local and state leaders. While the League has delivered invitations to General Assembly members, be sure to personally invite your local delegation to join you for dinner once you register. Building on the success of last year’s event, attendees will also have the opportunity to attend several informational sessions in the afternoon about affordable housing, 宽带接入和立法更新. 立即在线注册!

A federal judge has ordered a halt on plans to reintroduce on the 2020 Census a question asking about citizenship status. The Tuesday ruling from the Southern District of New York said the top official who directed the question's addition was unlawful in doing so for a list of reasons including violations of the Administrative Procedures Act, which guides the development of regulations at the federal level. 根据 277页的决定, 公民身份问题, which hasn't been on a decennial census since 1950, is blocked unless its backers can cure "the legal defects." The case represents one of several lawsuits that have sought to bar the question, which detractors have warned would result in inaccurate headcounts. 50号公路全覆盖 法官的命令. For more context and an inside look at the preparation of the 2020 Census, listen to 集60 of the League's podcast, 市政方程. 此外,N.C. 联合政府定于1月10日举行计票. 31 a free, statewide conference on 2020 Census preparations, registration for which is 在线这里.

Things remain relatively quiet on Jones Street at the General Assembly, 不过生意很快就会恢复. 立法者计划于1月11日返回. 30, after which bill filing will pick up and wheels will turn on state budget development. This is the year of the legislative "long session," the first part of the biennium with session work likely to last several months. One development has already transpired in the interim -- Sen. 橄榄山的刘易斯·佩特 已经下台. Senator Pate served 16 years in the legislature and had just been re-elected in November. 他是橄榄山的前任市长. His resignation letter cited health reasons for his departure. 至于他的继任者 Goldsboro News Argus newspaper this week reported​ on at least seven Republican hopefuls, some of them currently serving in local government. 

The National League of Cities has released details about its upcoming 国会城市会议 今年3月,在华盛顿特区.C. Registration is open for this federal-level advocacy event, and an early bird rate is in effect until the end of this month. "Becoming informed about policies that affect cities will make you a better leader and speaking up together will allow you to achieve more for cities,NLC说. 访问 ccc.缴送工作.org 完整的时间表和细节.

Want to know more about bringing better broadband to your community? 加入我们的Let's Connect吧, a statewide series of conversations about broadband access led by national and state experts to engage local residents. These events are being sponsored by the League, the Minneapolis, Minn.-based Institute for Local Self-Reliance and N.C. 宽带的问题. 活动定于1月10日举行. 1月28日,阿尔伯马尔. 29日在福奎-瓦里纳和1月. 杰克逊维尔30人(参见新闻报道). 点击这里查阅注册详情.