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League Bulletin

March 4, 2016

The N.C. 911 Board 上周投票通过了一项法案,该法案从去年开始就批准延期 2014 statutory requirement that primary 911 call centers, also known public safety answering points (PSAPs), have back-up capabilities by July 1, 2016.

HB 512/ S.L. 2105-219 - Amend/Clarify Back-Up PSAP Requirements 主要PSAP必须在7月截止日期之前在实施备用计划方面取得“实质性进展”. 要有一个适当的备份,就需要在主PSAP无法接收和处理911呼叫的情况下,有一种方法来接听呼叫.

由于2015年的立法没有定义“实质性进展”,董事会向psps分配资金取决于是否取得了这种进展, the board took action to define the term as follows:

“延期的实质性进展被定义为备份计划,已提交给NC 911董事会批准,并在7月1日之前完成备份计划的时间表, 2016.”

审计委员会的工作人员注意到,已向许多尚未提交计划的公共服务方案方案发送了一封解释备份要求和截止日期的认证信. Contact: Sarah Collins

On Tuesday, the N.C. Division of Water Resources released its 2016 draft list of the state’s impaired waters ("303(d) list"). 303(d)清单以联邦《365足彩下载》第303(d)条命名, which requires states to evaluate the health of their streams, 每两年公布一次河流和其他水体,并列出不符合水质标准的水体. Once listed, 受损的水通常受到受影响流域的水污染限制, usually in the form of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) limits. Local governments, as the holders of wastewater and stormwater discharge permits, 有责任在管制管制管制区内减少它们向这些水域排放的污染物, often a costly requirement. 随着清单草案的发布,国家现在正在征求公众意见. Comments on the draft 303(d) list must be submitted by  March 29, 2016 to Contact: Sarah Collins
州最高法院将前往西部听取谁应该控制阿什维尔供水系统的诉讼辩论. 最高法院本周宣布,将于5月17日在摩根顿历史悠久的伯克县法院审理此案. The court typically holds sessions in Raleigh, 但去年通过的立法允许法院每年在摩根顿和埃登顿召开两次会议, locations where the court had convened in previous centuries. 阿什维尔市的诉讼——在365足彩下载提交的法庭之友简报中得到了支持——挑战了2013年联合国大会通过的一项法案,该法案将水系统移交给了一个地区当局. A Superior Court judge ruled that the law was unconstitutional, but a state Court of Appeals panel overturned that decision. The city is now appealing to the state's high court. Read previous League coverage here, and media coverage about the scheduled hearing here.
Join with the League and Duke Energy on Monday, 3月21日上午10时30分至下午12时举行网络研讨会,讨论有关市政街道照明的问题(registration here). 本次网络研讨会将重点关注街道照明的现代化,包括LED照明. It is a continuation of discussions that began after the League, in 2013, 在北卡罗来纳州公用事业委员会面前介入杜克能源卡罗莱纳费率案. 网络研讨会将是杜克能源帮助客户了解现代化技术最新发展的机会,  使杜克能源能够更好地了解其市政客户的未来需求 to provide insight into Duke Energy's lighting platform for the future. Please register by March 16. Contact: Sarah Collins.
有兴趣通过州水利基础设施部运营的几个项目申请资金的城镇官员可以参加3月份举行的五次单独的培训课程. The sessions are designed to help in the application process, 该司工作人员强烈鼓励那些正在考虑申请派代表参加其中一届会议的城镇. Three of the four programs are new. The programs are the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, State Project Grants, Asset Inventory and Assessment Grants, and Merger/Consolidation Grants. The sessions will be held March 17 in Mooresville, March 18 in Valdese, March 28 in Washington, March 30 in Fayetteville and March 31 in Raleigh. Seating is limited and you must register by March 11 to attend. Contact Jennifer Haynie at for more information or to RSVP. 您还可以找到有关该部门资助计划申请过程的更多信息 here
威尔明顿官员表示,在恢复国家历史税收抵免之后,他们看到对历史建筑翻新的兴趣越来越大. 威尔明顿历史基金会的乔治·爱德华兹告诉《365体育足彩》,他的办公室每周会接到4到5个电话. 与此同时,州政府官员表示,现在判断税收抵免的效果还为时过早. N.C. 商务部官员最近还表示,由于立法者批准扩大电影拨款,三部独立的电视和电影制作将进入该州. A remake of the film "Dirty Dancing" will be filmed in Buncombe and Jackson counties; an independent film called "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" also will be filmed in those counties; and a TV series called "Shots Fired" will be made in the Charlotte area. Read more on the historic tax credit news here, and more about the film grants here.
从查塔姆县煤灰倾倒坑底部收集的渗滤液正在桑福德污水处理厂进行处理,没有发生事故, The Fayetteville Observer reports. 桑福德官员说,每天有5到15辆卡车运送多达6人,000 gallons each to the plant, 煤灰中的液体将经过整个处理过程,同时仍符合排放许可. 收集的液体的处理已经进行了三个月. 这些渗滤液及其处理是杜克能源公司清理该州14个发电厂煤灰池的初步努力的结果. Read more about the treatment and clean-up here.
新设的第13国会选区的选举之争可能会变成州议员之间的激烈争斗. Rep. John Blust of Greensboro is the latest to say that he will seek the seat. Sen. Andrew Brock of Mocksville has already announced, and Rep. Jon Hardister of Greensboro has said that he is considering seeking the post. Also this week, Rep. Cecil Brockman of High Point said that he is contemplating a run. The primaries for the contest are now scheduled for June 7, but the latest districts remain the subject of a court challenge.