


报名现已开放 365足彩下载的第一个小镇 & 国宴定于5月29日下午5点半至8点举行.m. 在罗利会议中心. 不要等待注册,因为这个独家365体育足彩活动的空间有限. 这个小镇 & State Dinner provides the opportunity to be with your legislators in a more intimate environment perfect for networking and strengthening relationships. Join us in celebrating 状态 and local leaders who have worked so hard to advocate for municipalities and their residents. After you register, be sure to invite your legislator to join you as your special guest.  The League will also be extending electronic and printed invitations to legislators directly. Legislators do not need to register; instead they can RSVP directly to 小镇&StateDinner@bodymystic.com.对于今年的立法短期会议,镇 & 国宴代替了市政厅日. 现在注册.

A hugely important case for business fairness and local government will have its day in court next week. 在美国法庭上进行口头辩论.S. 最高法院 南达科他州诉. Wayfair 定于周二举行, with South Dakota asking justices to rule that 状态s and local governments may require retailers with no in-状态 physical presence -- e-commerce websites, 例如,征收销售税. 该案重新评估了最高法院1992年的一项裁决, undeveloped days of e-commerce) that retailers didn't need to collect and remit sales taxes unless they had an in-状态 physical presence. 今天, 网上零售商数量众多,规模庞大, 给这个销售税漏洞赋予了完全不同的动力和紧迫性. 2017年11月, a 政府ernment Accountability Office report estimated that 状态s and local governments could "gain from about $8 billion to $13 billion in 2017 if 状态s were given authority to requires sales tax collection from all remote sellers."​

“虽然不可能确定案件的结果, there is reason to believe the Court may replace the 'physical presence' test with a timelier option, 比如经济存在测试,美国全国城市365足彩下载(National League of Cities,简称NLC)本周在一份关于此案的最新报告中表示. "Such a ruling would be a huge step forward in the fight for parity between brick-and-mortar stores and online retailers.与此同时,关于平等的联邦立法尚未出台. N.C. League of Municipalities' membership supports​​ federal e-fairness action that would close the online sales tax loophole, restore marketplace fairness for competing brick and mortar businesses and create new revenue for 状态 and local governments. 全国网络研讨会定于下午1点举行.m. 周二就此案的历史和后果. 现在注册.

Local officials looking to increase the availability of broadband in their communities should make plans to attend the League-sponsored NC心脏千兆互动. The April 20 forum in Raleigh will gather people from across the 状态 to discuss how to bring broadband networks to local communities and make them more economically resilient. Attend to learn from an elite group of 状态 and national experts on community-led broadband efforts, 包括 NCLM宽带报告 合著者 乔安妮·霍维斯小麦面粉, president of CTC Technology and Energy and a recognized expert on communications policy at the federal, 状态, 以及地方层面. 政府. 罗伊·库珀(Roy Cooper)将主持为期一天的会议. 詹姆斯B. 亨特将担任主讲人,还有 代表. 克雷格角 将讨论互联网接入在我们学校的重要性. Attendees will benefit from hearing a playbook of actionable steps they can take back home to advance local broadband projects. 现在注册.

​The 状态 is seeking applications for community projects that would fight the opioid crisis under the NC阿片类药物行动计划. 为此目的提供了15万美元的一次性赠款. 申请截止日期为5月4日. “These grants will help local communities work together to turn the tide of the opioid crisis through treatment and recovery assistance,” N.C. 美国卫生与公众服务部(DHHS)部长曼迪·科恩(Mandy Cohen)在一份声明中说 新闻发布的全部细节. “We look forward to collaborating with communities around the 状态 to accomplish the vision set forth in the NC阿片类药物行动计划.国土安全部表示,地方政府可以获得奖励, 社区组织, 医院和其他参与战斗的伙伴. The 状态 launched the Opioid Action plan in June 2017 with strategies to turn the tide, 比如扩大治疗和康复系统, 增加纳洛酮的可用性,并将过量幸存者与护理联系起来. 
据国土安全部称,州政府正在为这些拨款提供资金. While Congress has separately approved nearly $6 billion for resources in the drug epidemic, the National League of Cities (NLC) says it's unclear whether or how those funds would reach the local level. 美国.S. Department of 健康 and Human Services and the Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Services Administration are the majority recipients of that money. NLC has been urging a system to link the federal funding directly with local programs that battle opioid abuse.

Elected federal officials in North Carolina say they've secured more funding to help North Carolina's ongoing recovery from 2016's Hurricane Matthew. Sens. 汤姆·提利斯和理查德·伯尔本周联合宣布追加1.89亿美元, "secured by the North Carolina delegation in the Senate budet agreement passed in February.参议员们 在新闻发布会上 注意到美国.S. 住房和城市发展部 刚刚宣布 that North Carolina would receive $168 million in disaster mitigation grants, while the U.S. 运输部 宣布 给州政府2100万美元. "I want to thank the 住房和城市发展部 and 运输部 for allocating nearly $190 million in additional funds, which will go a long way in helping our local communities recover and ensure North Carolina’s families are not forgotten,蒂利斯参议员说. 在美国.S. 房子,代表. 大卫的价格, 运输部的高级成员, 住房和城市发展拨款小组委员会, 说 在新闻发布会上这一最新的援助意味着北卡罗来纳州现在已经获得了超过1美元的援助.从住房和城市发展部和其他联邦机构拨款40亿美元. These resources will help address critical unmet needs in our 状态 as we continue the process of rebuilding and recovering from Hurricane Matthew.”

Hundreds of new jobs are poised to land in North Carolina following newly announced expansions and recruitments made possible by local and 状态 government teamwork. 周二, 状态 and local officials announced that multinational manufacturer of hygiene products Albaad USA Inc. U会膨胀.S. 投资4500万美元在Reidsville. 它将为该地区带来300多个新工作岗位, 平均工资高于全国平均水平. “我们很高兴继续在Reidsville扩大我们在美国的业务,阿尔巴德工厂经理吉迪·坦内说. “我们将继续打造一支强大的员工队伍, 支持罗金厄姆县先进制造业工作的文化和社区. 这种技术的融合和强大, creative workforce is the foundation of our success and we look forward to continued growth in the future.” The City of Reidsville and its eco​nomic development team were among numerous partners in the expansion, 包括大会和罗金厄姆县.

前一天,N.C. 商务部 在威尔逊宣布了44个工作岗位,收入3100万美元 新太平洋美国公司的投资. 跨国公司, 哪家公司生产药品和化妆品的初级包装, 打算在威尔逊企业园区建一个高科技设施, 指定的“智能地盘” 这已经达到了严格的标准,符合选址者的要求. “过去两年, we’ve done a detailed evaluation for a suitable site location in the US and we are pleased to locate our new US headquarters in Wilson, 一个完全符合我们对合格人才要求的社区, 支持政府, 高品质的生活和接近我们的客户,——马克·艾格勒, Neopac所有者Hoffmann Neopac AG的首席执行官, 在新闻发布会上说. 州长办公室 同时宣布了422个职位 在达勒姆郡成立了实验室公司, 该公司总部位于伯灵顿,员工超过60人,全球约有5000人. 周四,该州宣布 另外50个工作岗位 在温斯顿-塞勒姆的扩张,同样是地方-国家-私人合作. ​​