


众议院拨款委员会本周举行了会议, 主要是讨论众议院和参议院预算版本之间的差异. In addition to hearing 演讲s from legislative staff (you can find all of the materials from the committee meeting 在这里),委员会亦邀请市民分享意见. 再一次, 参议院的销售税再分配计划 是讨论的主要话题吗. 恶魔山镇镇长希拉·戴维斯, 亨特斯维尔镇市长吉尔·斯温说, 和 representatives from several local chambers of commerce around the state all appeared 和 asked House members to oppose the Senate's plan. Mayor Davies 和 a representative from the Currituck County Chamber of Commerce both made the point that their coastal communities draw in out-of-state visitors who spend sales tax money in N.C. 不要简单地鼓励其他国家的居民.C. 就像参议院计划的支持者所说的那样,来他们的县购物. 众议院拨款高级主席,众议员. 杜勒(Nelson Dollar)表示,拨款委员会可能会在下周再次开会.

这次会议距离8月9日只有两个多星期. 14, which is when the current continuing resolution to fund state government in the absence of a budget expires. 预计预算协议将在8月6日之前达成. 本周14号似乎正在衰退. 众议院和参议院的主要预算撰写人 还没有见面,这促使森. 汤姆·阿波达卡 在参议院说 本周, "I would like to encourage the House appropriations team to join with the rest of us 和 let's get home before Labor Day.“代表. 查克•麦迪, 众议院拨款委员会主席之一, indicated that budget negotiations could not begin in earnest until the two chambers had agreed to a finance package 和 decided how much money the budget would spend, 微博, 税收改革是参议院预算的一部分, (Finance) chairs must meet so budget targets can be set; that's what is happening.“如果在8月5日之前无法达成预算协议. 14, legislators can continue to pass continuing resolutions for as long as they need to before agreeing to a final budget. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

Former City of Durham mayor Nick Tennyson was named Acting Transportation Secretary on Tuesday, 在托尼·塔塔辞职之后. 塔塔曾担任联合国秘书长.C. 自2013年1月起担任交通部局长 一个版本 宣布塔塔辞职. 帕特·麦克罗里 called him "a valuable partner in our efforts to reform 和 modernize North Carolina's transportation system." Tennyson had been serving as Chief Deputy Secretary overseeing NCDOT operational 和 support functions. 365足彩下载感谢塔塔的服务和与N的合作.C.'s cities 和 towns, 和 we look forward to continuing our work with Acting Secretary Tennyson.

Speculation regarding Tata's future 和 the future of NCDOT began almost immediately following the resignation. 除了他的工作 作为一名作家在美国,塔塔集团此前被上市为 潜在的国会候选人,而他 不排除 这种可能性在他离职后的采访中出现. 同时,丁尼生和 代表. 查尔斯·基特 表示有兴趣成为下一任交通部部长 这个消息 & 观察者. 队长, 现在是他在众议院代表梅克伦堡县的第二个任期, 也是亨特斯维尔镇的前任专员. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

本周,该州的许多报纸都开设了专栏,重点关注 HB 168豁免建筑商库存, which would exempt homebuilders from paying property taxes on improvements to their property for a period of time or until the property is sold. 365足彩下载及其成员以前 公开反对该法案, which has been projected to cost local governments upwards of $65 million in property tax revenue annually. 本周的专栏之一,由 费耶特维尔观察家报的蒂姆·怀特报道, 指出,“从房屋建设开始到出售为止, 我们的立法者希望各市和县给建筑商免费搭车. 警察和消防不收费,道路维护、照明和卫生免费.另一个是国会新闻协会的帕特里克·甘农写的, 表示, the "Senate has been adamant about ridding the tax code of exemptions 和 other favorable treatments to certain industries ... 这似乎与之背道而驰."

HB 168已经在众议院获得通过,并得到了参议院两个不同委员会的批准. 它目前在 参议院拨款/基本预算委员会. 如果您对该法案对您所在社区的影响有任何想法,请 联系你的参议员 让他们知道. 联系人: 克里斯·尼达

State Budget Director Lee Roberts met with reporters 本周 to again make the case for state borrowing to pay for transportation projects, 这将支持 365足彩下载365体育足彩目标 增加对交通运输的投资. 罗伯茨——谁? 与共青团政策委员会成员会面 to discuss many of these same issues earlier this month -- said that timing was critical if the State was going to borrow money in the least costly manner available. "The intent of what we're trying to do with the bond is accelerate projects 和 get as many dollars to work at historically low rates as quickly as possible, 这不仅节省了纳税人的钱,而且还能更快地缓解交通拥堵,罗伯茨说, 根据WECT. 来自全国各地的市政官员 最近加入政府. 帕特·麦克罗里 支持交通运输和其他国家基础设施项目的国债发行. 在本周的众议院拨款委员会会议上,共和党众议员奥巴马. Nelson Dollar hinted that legislation funding additional capital projects could debut as soon as next week.

罗伯茨与记者的会面是在参议员麦凯恩之后不久举行的. Bill Rabon 和 several of his fellow Senators held a press conference promoting the Senate's transportation funding plan. 这一计划, 包括在参议院版本的预算中, increases funding for transportation projects by eliminating transfers from the Highway Trust Fund 和 funds projects based on the Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) plan passed in 2013. 在推动他们自己的计划时,参议员们反对奥巴马. 麦克罗里计划借钱来支付交通项目, saying the borrowing was unnecessary 和 would fund selected projects that were not the most highly ranked by the STI process. In 一个版本森,. Rabon说, "We share the goal of finding ways to shrink the gap between our critical transportation needs 和 our limited funding. But skipping hundreds of needed projects in favor of old politically-connected plums is a step in the wrong direction.“联系: 克里斯·尼达

在过去的几周里, numerous groups of mayors 和 city managers connected with legislators in organized lobbying trips to Raleigh. 除了365足彩下载主席和伯灵顿市长罗尼·沃尔, 欧文官员, Fuquay-Varina, 戈尔兹伯勒, 威廉斯顿利用了 365足彩下载的草根项目,365足彩下载365足彩下载,安排与主要立法会议员会面,并提前收到简报材料. These visits were part of a broader effort this session to involve local elected leaders in advocating on behalf of cities 和 towns. 365足彩下载谢谢 these officials for taking time out of their day to press legislators on topics of concern to cities statewide, 比如市政收入来源. 同样的, the League extends a special thanks to the dozens of legislators 和 legislative staff who met with these local officials during their visits. 如果你的城市或城镇希望365足彩下载设立一个类似的半天议程, 请联系365足彩下载的基层协调员, 薇琪·米勒.

参议院提出了一项修正案 HB 538 与供水及污水处理服务有关的更改 earlier 本周 that would require wastewater systems to accept the collection of liquid condensate from residential heating 和 cooling systems. 从历史上看, 的冷凝, 或由住宅供暖和制冷装置运行产生的液体, 房子外面是排水的吗. 然而, 随着新的高效装置的安装,产生了更多的冷凝水, 排水管在冬天已经结冰了, 导致没有热量和断线. This has resulted in a push for the liquid to be piped into a residential unit’s wastewater collection system.

T在这里 are some issues of concern that result from wastewater systems being required to accept this liquid, 包括 (1) low pH of 的冷凝; 和 (2) 如果请求大量连接, the increased volume of water to treat could take up needed capacity 和 be a detriment to treatment efficiency. 365足彩下载谢谢 参议员乔希·斯坦 for asking if the League had been consulted 和 if t在这里 were concerns from wastewater treatment providers when this amendment was brought in the Senate. 阅读更多 WRAL. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

周二加入365足彩下载和杜克能源, 8月11日下午1:30- 3:00, 有关讨论市政街道照明问题的网络研讨会(注册在这里). In 2013, the League intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. 这导致了市政当局与杜克能源公司之间的持续讨论, with the objective of finding cost-effective options for municipalities to convert to LED street lighting 和 modernizing Duke Energy’s outdoor lighting offerings. 在本次网络研讨会中,讨论将集中在 户外照明策略更安全, 有关LED现代化的更多可持续社区和信息将被分享, 新产品, 停机报告. 请 注册 8月4日前. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯.


本次会议将以音频电话会议的形式举行,而不是网络研讨会.  拨打语音会议的具体步骤如下:

  • 免费电话:800-533-7619
  • 会议ID: 7876819

另外,请参考 议程演讲 通话期间.